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40 Years & Going Strong


“She’s always helping out – Bernice-on-the-spot… or janitor-on-the spot, one might say,” Sheryl chuckled in speaking about Bernice, a long-time janitor on her staff. Bernice, who had significant employment barriers, started as a volunteer at Innovative Services and eventually became a job coach in Janitorial’s supported employment program. She has worked as a janitor for Innovative for almost 40 years, and is our longest-serving employee. She even trained Sheryl, the person who manages the Janitorial Services program, when Sheryl first started. Sheryl would tell you that Bernice is loyal, dependable, and takes pride in her work, but Bernice couldn’t be more humble, “I just like to clean everything,” she said with a smile. “I enjoy my job. I plan on staying here until they make me retire.”

Much of Innovative’s Janitorial team cleans buildings out in the community, but Bernice works hard right here in Innovative’s facility. She is passionate about the people we serve, and finds pride in working for an organization that helps those in need. “I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have this job. That’s what keeps me going, is being around other people and working.” Innovative is so grateful for Bernice’s continued service and loyalty.

Innovative Services NW Janitorial Services is a nonprofit that delivers a quality janitorial service while providing employment opportunities for people with disabilities or other challenges. We’ve offered a full range of services to private businesses and State, County, and City facilities for over 25 years. If you know someone who might be interested in our Janitorial Services, you can visit our website here.

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