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Innovative’s Board Receives Award at the 2018 Non-Profit Excellence Award Ceremony

Innovative’s Board of Directors was excited and honored to receive The Governance Award at the Nonprofit Excellence Awards at the Heathman Lodge on Sept. 13th.

This award is given to a board for the structure, policies, and culture it has intentionally created allowing the organization to better achieve its mission. Innovative’s Executive Board meets monthly to review the financial reports and our full 15-18 member Board meets four times per year. Aiming to more fully engage our board members, participation in one or more Functional Boards, that operate similar to Advisory Boards is required. Each of these Functional Boards has specific areas of responsibility and meet monthly. The five Functional Boards include Program, Development, Building/Finance, Marketing, and Board Nominating/Education. Participation in these Functional Boards gives each Board Member a deeper knowledge of their area, which they then bring back to Full Board discussions.

Thank you to the Nonprofit Network and congratulations to all the other honorees who are making such a positive impact on our community!

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