Update on Innovative programs that are affected by Washington State Budget 2017.
If the Washington State Budget is voted on and passed, all Innovative Services NW programs and services will continue as usual.
If the Washington State Budget is NOT passed, these services will not be available as of Saturday, July 1, 2017 until further notice:
Working Connections Child Care (state subsidy)
Employment Services for DVR and state only clients
Supervised Visitation (state and AVG)
Case Aide Services
Janitorial (for state offices only)
As of today, we believe the following services will continue:
Pediatric Therapy including Early Intervention
Private Pay Early Learning
Private Pay Supervised Visitation
Janitorial Services (Except State Buildings)
Employment Services for county clients
Family Resource Coordination (FRC) in Pediatric Therapy
Our website will be updated as we have more information and, as of July 1st, you can call our main phone number at (360) 892-5142 and listen to the recorded message to get the most current information.
If legislators do not adopt a state budget by June 30th, you will lose access to services.
Please consider contacting your state representatives by email or phone and strongly encourage them adopt the budget by the deadline. You can find your District by visiting app.leg.wa.gov/DistrictFinder.