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Running Toward Three!


Born 14 weeks early, Myra Garcia Ramirez was significantly delayed in many developmental areas. As strong advocates, parents Esmeralda and Magdeleno enrolled Myra in Innovative’s Early Intervention program when she was just 10 months old. At that time, Myra couldn’t roll and had difficulties with swallowing and eating, and choked to the point of waking up at night.

Two and a half years later, Innovative’s Pediatric Therapy team and her family celebrate that she will soon be transitioning to the 3-5 program, with a focus only on her speech.

Tears filled Esmeralda’s eyes as she shared her appreciation for all the therapists and teachers who have supported them. Through Early Intervention, mom learned techniques and tried the many suggestions which sped up Myra’s ability to crawl, walk, eat, communicate, and develop independence as a healthy toddler. Myra had been unable to feed herself and didn’t like many foods, which led to weight loss and their consideration of a feeding tube. Happily, what they learned made a difference, because during our visit Myra enjoyed snacking on cereal after having played with her mom and Early Childhood Educator, Aurora.

Mom smiled saying, “Once she started walking, she was so excited to follow her siblings and stomp around outside with her family!” Over the past few years, she has received physical, occupational, and speech therapy and is currently receiving services from an Early Childhood Educator until she turns 3 later this summer. Mom is most pleased that, “The therapists have helped Myra catch up with others her age.”

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